Its my belief that we have no real concept of time, We started to understand when the first plane broke the sound barrier. Much has been learned, rationalized, speculated about time. Many believe in alternate universes, we will learn more about time as God allows us to.
As far as the Christian faith, I do not believe in our parents or anyone looking down from heaven and watching us.
My belief is when my body dies, Time will no longer exist as we know it and I will immediately be with God and everyone else that has excepted him as their personal savior, both present past and Future), and enjoying the eternal life that God has promised and given us.
The ones that chose the wide gate will be in eternal torment in Hell.
As far as the Christian faith, I do not believe in our parents or anyone looking down from heaven and watching us.
My belief is when my body dies, Time will no longer exist as we know it and I will immediately be with God and everyone else that has excepted him as their personal savior, both present past and Future), and enjoying the eternal life that God has promised and given us.
The ones that chose the wide gate will be in eternal torment in Hell.