by toni smothers
His Spirit within me was risen and freed.
A long time ago – Dark day at Calvary.
He joined with The Father, the earth and the sea.
His gift of salvation,
just waiting for me.
But life with its burdens, its worries, its cares,
Smothers His Presence and stifles my air.
It steals the pure freedom; He wants to give me.
It makes me conform, like a lock and a key.
Lost sight of the wonder His Spirit does bring,
I hear only the sad song my flesh often sings,
Of woe and of anger, the fight to be first,
I join in the nonsense – I feel I could burst!
I follow, I lead, I move farther away,
From His Spirit that whispers, “Make this a new day.”
He tells me to turn toward the subtle, the weak,
To commune with the lovely, the peaceful, the meek.
Speaking his message so sweet to my heart.
He’s my loyal companion, an infinite part –
Of God’s perfect mercy - Forgiveness for free,
As crucial to life as His need to love me.
I loose Him, I wander, I yearn for my friend.
Till His Spirit within me can surface again,
To chide me, to guide me, to keep me aware –
That Jesus my Savior will always be there!