The loss of George Floyd’s life was tragic, and the policemen have been arrested and will stand trial in a court of law.
After black lives matter organization stepped in, 17 more have been killed to date and most of them black killed by blacks, hundreds of businesses have been lost with a majority of there employers black and most of these jobs will not come back, many will not have enough insurance to ger their business back, millions of dollars lost many lives thrown into poverty and may never recover, many will be arrested fined and some sent to prison for looting stealing and destroying property, Now there will be months of hearings, defunding police departments.
These riots will cause the biggest racial divide in America since the watts riots, Anyone who thinks these protest/riots will have anything to do with healing America is a big part of the problem. All the people that now have no job, some no home, many burying their friends killed by fellow blacks, Black and white business owners that will never have their business back again.
Until America learns the difference between protest and anarchy we will continue on our path of destruction.
Put god back in our lives and in control.
God bless America.