[Paul speaking] "However, I admit that I worship the God of our fathers as a follower of the Way, which they call a sect."
Thoughts for Today:Paul is speaking before Felix, defending the accusations made against him by the Jews. Previously, Paul had denied some of the charges, now he begins with the first of four "What I's." He clarifies "What I Admit".
Paul is crystal clear: "I admit that I worship the God of our fathers as a follower of the Way." Six times in the Book of Acts, believers are referred to as followers of the Way. Only two times are they referred to as Christians -- the word "Christian" (little Christ) was actually considered an insult when used by those outside the faith. I really like "the Way," because it truly reflects the message of Jesus Christ. Jesus wasn't one of many options. He wasn't one of several paths that lead to God. He spoke very plainly, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." (John 14:6)
I have a friend who considers himself a Christian because he believes in Jesus. I asked him if he believes that Jesus is the son of God who lived as a man, died for our sins, yet defeated death through His resurrection. He said, "Sure, but I don't believe that God or Jesus created some exclusive club for Christians only. I don't think God is that narrow-minded." In other words, he believes that Christianity is just a "sect" containing a lot of truth, but only one of many paths. I quoted John 14:6 and asked him how he reconciled his many paths concept with what Jesus said, "No one comes to the Father except through me." He looked at me for a really long time and then said, "I don't know, I'll have to think about that." I said, "I hope you give it some serious thought, because everything hinges on that one statement."
Questions to Ponder:What do you admit? Do you admit Christianity, or your "sect" (Baptist, Methodist, Lutheran, etc)? Do you admit your belief in the one and only Way or have you become more open-minded to other perspectives? Jesus was very clear on this subject. Are you? Who do you follow?