"...and it was credited to him as righteousness."
Thoughts for Today:Years ago students in the classroom approached their grades from the perspective of "zero". Each student began with no points, then with every assignment, test, or project -- points were earned -- gradually increasing the letter grade from F, D, C, to B and hopefully toward a final grade of A -- all based upon the total points accumulated. This contrasts with much of modern educational philosophy as many students expect to start with (or deserve) an "A". The only possibility then becomes losing points or grade level.
I think you can probably see where I'm going with this line of thought -- many people believe we all start with an "A" in life and automatically deserve God's righteousness to be bestowed upon each of us equally. If that is the case then why do we so highly value His love and grace? Wouldn't it be expected and deserved?
In our previous passage, Paul explained: "Abraham believed God..." and today provides us with the result: "...and it was credited to him as righteousness." The reality for Abraham and the rest of us is this: We all start with an "F", and then God in his infinite wisdom, sovereignty, and love, offers His grace to us -- an undeserving people. We don't earn righteousness -- it is a gift based upon our belief.
Questions to Ponder:Would you rather have a "fair" God? One who started everyone with an "A"? I wouldn't because I know where all of us would end up -- with an "F"! Why? Because of sin. No matter how hard we try we will never measure up to God's perfection. We desperately need His grace and forgiveness. Have you been forgiven? Have you professed your faith and belief in Jesus Christ? It is never too late.