...to all Abraham's offspring--
Thoughts for Today:Have you ever played the game of Monopoly? You happily roll the dice, then march around the board collecting $200.00 every time you pass 'Go'. Until landing on a chance square and the card you draw instructs: "Go directly to jail. Do not pass 'Go'. Do not collect $200.00". And there you sit -- waiting for what seems like a lifetime trying to roll doubles to get out of jail -- while the other players laugh and race around the board buying up all the real estate.
It seems a little bit like life. How so? Because the breaks we get or don't get can have a lot to do with our success in life. We might all start out the same -- as life created in our mother's womb, but from there it seems chance takes over. The roll of the dice: Is the baby born into the Hindu class system of India, or with a multi-million dollar trust fund in the United States? The opportunities available and standard of living hardly seem equal -- or fair.
In our passage today, Paul tells us no one is condemned to eternity in "jail" -- regardless of the "luck" (or rather divine design) of our ancestry -- we are all Abraham's offspring and therefore inheritors of God's promises to him. Our birth place or lineage doesn't matter. We all are equal before God. And all means all -- whether born with a silver spoon in our mouth and a Christian heritage, or a red dot on our forehead and into the Hindu culture -- none of it matters to God.
Questions to Ponder:Have you ever felt that what you've done, where you were born, or even those who came before you -- have somehow made you ineligible to inherit God's promises? Or just the opposite: Do you feel you are specially entitled to receive God's grace because of the sacrifices made by your ancestors? Each of us is equal before God. We must all make the decision to believe God's promise or reject Him. What will your choice be today?