...the way may be opened for me to come to you.
Thoughts for Today:The King James Version translates our passage today as follows: "...if by any means now at length I might have a prosperous journey...to come unto you." We know how Paul ended up in Rome from our study in Acts: as a prisoner on a ship that went down in a tremendous storm at sea; shipwrecked and washed ashore on the Island of Malta; bitten by a viper; and ultimately held in chains for two years under guard while in Rome. I'm not sure that is what Paul meant when he said, "a prosperous journey". But it was prosperous nonetheless. I guess God took him at his word when he said, "if by any means...to come unto you."
I can't tell you how many times -- with the benefit of hindsight -- I have been grateful I didn't get what I wanted. Then again, I have also been blessed -- when emerging on the other side of storms, wrecks, washing ashore, snake bites, and chains -- with a new insight of how, despite some very significant problems, God allowed a disastrous journey to be "prosperous". Do you think Paul grew in faith from his experience? What about his companions? The sailors? The other prisoners? What about the islanders who were healed (see Acts 28:8-10)? God prospered the journey in spite of all the hardships. Isn't God good!
Questions to Ponder:Are you in the middle of your own "disastrous journey"? When you emerge on the other side of the problems and look back, ask yourself, "Was it a prosperous journey? How could I have made it more prosperous? Did I have the right attitude? Did I trust God?" Those are also some really good questions to ask while still on the voyage. I know it is difficult to find prosperity when drowning, gulping seawater, and clinging to a piece of wood for survival. Just remember the piece of wood we cling to is the cross of Jesus -- He alone will prosper you -- no matter what your present circumstance might appear to be!