There is no difference, for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God...
Thoughts for Today:I used to be a pretty good football player in High School. So good in fact I was named my team's Most Improved Defensive Player in my senior year, and also received a First Team All League award. But I wasn't good enough to gain scholarship interest from any college teams. So I walked on to a local college campus for tryouts -- confident I would demonstrate my ability in person and win a position on the roster. I have to admit I was shocked by how big, strong, and fast everyone seemed. In high school there might be some bigger than me, but I could usually win with speed and quickness. Not so in college. So many guys were not only bigger, but also much faster. Ultimately I made the team, but wisely decided to retire from football to concentrate on academics.
My point in all of this is to illustrate: We can look pretty good depending on whom we are comparing ourselves to -- in high school I was a star, in college I was lucky to make the team. In life we might look at our neighbor and say, "Compared to that guy, I'm a pretty good person." But we're comparing ourselves to the wrong person. The comparison is not to our neighbor or even our pastor. It's between God and us individually. Compared to His glory and majesty we all fall short.
Questions to Ponder:Have you been guilty of comparing yourself to the wrong standard? How do you measure up to God's requirement? No man has a chance to make God's eternal team -- it's why we need Jesus. Will you seek His grace today?