After saying good-by to each other, we went aboard the ship, and they returned home.
Thoughts for Today:Do you think any of the people walking home with their families after praying with Paul and his companions and seeing them on their way thought, "Boy that was a waste of time!" Probably not, and that is usually our experience when we attend a church function as well -- happy we went and blessed as a result of being there. The problem is shaking ourselves free from whatever distraction seemed so important at the time to keep us away from church.
Take a moment right now and try to remember one time when something bad happened because you put it off to attend church. Can't think of anything, right? Now think of the countless times you have been blessed -- add to that all the times you didn't attend a function and wished you had. I can think of one event my church had a couple of Saturdays ago, that everyone who went raved about how good it was -- I've got some regrets over not going. Unfortunately I can't remember what was so important that kept me away!
Questions to Ponder:Where does church fit into your priorities (and I'm not just talking about the worship service on Sunday morning)? At the top or near the bottom? Does someone have to put you in a "head lock" to get you to attend a church function (other than worship)? Why? What has taken priority over God's Word and His family for you? Do you need to take a hard look at your activities -- asking whether they truly reflect a desire to belong, grow, and serve in God's family?