The whole city was aroused, and the people came running from all directions.
Thoughts for Today:No matter where Paul went he always made an impact: There was either a revival or a riot. In our passage today there was a riot.
Paul was absolutely unforgettable -- he stirred strong emotions, and as a result he changed lives. He was one of those people that if you only met him briefly, you would remember him vividly. Paul had that kind of an impact on people. There was no mistaking the relationship he had with Jesus Christ, because it influenced every aspect of his life.
However, sometimes the impact we make when serving Jesus can be negative for us personally. If I was Paul, I would have been a little concerned if the "whole city was aroused," and an angry mob was "running from all directions" toward me looking for blood. Do you ever face that kind of danger right there in your city or town? If not, and we truly believe that Jesus is the answer to our friend's, neighbor's and community's problems, what kind of fear prevents us from witnessing our solution more aggressively? Think about it.
Questions to Ponder:How courageous are you? How much of an impact do you want to make in this world? All of our earthly accomplishments will eventually turn to dust, so the only real evidence of our life is the spiritual legacy we leave behind and the lives that are changed as a result. Then why do we work harder at the gym, at work, on the yard, on the car... than we do for the Kingdom of God? Philippians 2:13: "For it is God who works in you to will and to act according to his good purpose." God is working in you right now to get involved in a Kingdom project. Will you respond? Stop reading right now and yield your agenda to the Lord's purpose. Write down just a few of the things He is saying to you. Resolve to take a step in the right direction -- choosing courage instead of fear.