The one who is not circumcised physically and yet obeys the law will condemn you who, even though you have the written code and circumcision, are a lawbreaker.
Thoughts for Today:When I was younger, I worked with a married man who was having an affair with one of the girls in the office. It was pretty well public knowledge, but that didn't stop him from wearing his wedding ring, talking about his wife, planning family vacations, and coaching his kid's soccer games. Since I was a newlywed, he never hesitated to offer marital advice. To be honest, I used to feel nauseated just being around him. It was not as if he did not know right from wrong -- he knew the responsibilities of marriage, and the consequences if his infidelity was discovered, yet he continued to break his marriage vows regardless.
In our passage today, Paul is condemning just such behavior. He's saying: "Even the uncircumcised person recognizes what you are doing is wrong -- and your circumcision only makes your lawlessness worse because you have been given and know all the rules." I think it's why my co-worker's behavior was so memorable after all these years -- he went through all the motions of being married (wedding ring, home for dinner at 6:00 pm, etc.), but the most important aspect of fidelity was completely lost on him.
Questions to Ponder:Don't think for a moment that any pretense at righteous living covers sinfulness. Every one of us is a sinner. We may not be engaged in an extreme case of adultery, but there certainly is some law we have broken or will soon break. It is the reason God gave us a Savior. The law only reveals the nature of sin; it does nothing to correct it. Reach out today and accept the grace and peace offered by Jesus -- turn from your sin and repent.