Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously.
Thoughts for Today:Our passage today is the key to understanding the topic of "giving" (which Paul has been discussing throughout Chapters Eight and Nine). Unfortunately, if we miss this point, we'll have a difficult time putting together all of what Paul has been teaching. He begins by saying: "Remember this..." -- the reference is to the natural law of planting and harvesting. Most of us understand the basics of this concept -- if a farmer doesn't plant seeds, then there won't be a harvest. And how much he sows will ultimately determine how much is reaped.
We know there are a number of other natural or physical laws that govern our universe, most of which are uncontested, if not completely unavoidable. For example, the law of gravity. I might deny its existence -- disapprove, reject, or even offer an alternative to believing in it -- however, none of my objections make it untrue. Every time I drop an object from my hand, regardless of my opinions to the contrary, it will fall to the ground. And I don't even have to believe, have faith, or understand why or how it works. It just does.
In the same way, there are many, much more critical spiritual laws that are all too often ignored by the vast majority of humanity. One of those, applied to giving, is identified by Paul in our passage today: If we give sparingly, we will reap sparingly. However, if we give abundantly, we will reap with great abundance. It's an absolute spiritual law of God. Just as certain as gravity or any other physical law.
Questions to Ponder:Do you trust in God's spiritual laws with the same degree of faith that you trust in His physical laws? All the laws come from Him -- both spiritual and natural laws -- He is the Creator of the universe and everything in it. Will you place your confidence in His law of the harvest?