For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does.
Thoughts for Today:Paul did not come to Corinth in the strength of his flesh. He did not have an imposing physical appearance, great oratory skill, or even the engaging personal charisma of many of today's finest and most successful pastors. He didn't come with a sleek audiovisual presentation, a top-tier praise band, or following a fancy advertising campaign. Paul didn't come to Corinth on an anti-Caesar mission, or even to clean up the corruption in the city. So what was his purpose and what did he bring with him to Corinth?
Paul gave us the answer when he wrote in 1 Corinthians 2:2: "For I resolved to know nothing while I was with you except Jesus Christ and him crucified." Paul had a heavenly perspective. He knew he was in a war -- not a worldly war fought with swords, spears and chariots -- but in a spiritual war. One that required only spiritual weapons. Paul knew that in this battleground -- heaven was the prize and hell the penalty. And as a result, none of the world's weapons, campaigns, tools or strategies could provide the victory. Only Jesus.
Questions to Ponder:I believe God has given us many tremendous tools to share His message of love, grace, mercy and plan of salvation with an unsaved world. And I think we should use every one of those available whenever it is appropriate. Unfortunately, there can sometimes be an over-reliance on a worldly approach. We must not forget the war we wage cannot be won nor fought as the world does. Ours is a spiritual battle. Have you engaged the enemy in your ministry with the greatest power in the universe? We only need one weapon in our arsenal: Jesus Christ and Him crucified. Above His name is no other.