And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light
Thoughts for Today:What image of Satan do you have in mind? Some people have the idea that he is half-human and half-animal -- his body red, with horns, hooves and a long forked tail. Yet, the Bible tells us that he is an angel of light. Therefore, if he would make himself visible to us, he probably would be of breathtaking beauty.
And it's the same way Satan brings sin into our lives -- he sells us on the benefits -- the glory, recognition we deserve, self-fulfillment, the pleasure to be experienced, or knowledge to be obtained. What he doesn't show is the cost. But Satan is also deceptive. Sometimes his way seems to be toward a higher plane of existence, perhaps even a hidden path to greater and deeper spirituality. This is the issue Paul addresses in our passage today. Any gospel preached that revels in the wisdom of man and secret teaching, rather than the glory and simplicity of Jesus Christ and His sacrifice, is nothing more than Satan masquerading as an angel of light.
Questions to Ponder:Have you ever been deceived by false teaching? How do you know? How well do you know the Bible? Do you accept what you hear or do you open the Word of God to read it for yourself? I can't tell you how many times I've heard something preached and thought, "Wow, I didn't know that," and then opened my Bible only to discover a verse was either misquoted or taken out of context. Will you take responsibility to confirm the teaching you have heard?