This matter arose because some false believers had infiltrated our ranks to spy on the freedom we have in Christ Jesus and to make us slaves.
Thoughts for Today:I think one of the reasons Paul took Titus with him to Jerusalem was as an example of a Gentile who had been transformed through faith in Jesus Christ. We can be certain that Titus demonstrated all the fruit of salvation without the Jewish rite of circumcision. In some ways, Paul was forcing the leaders of the church in Jerusalem to answer a question: Would they reject an example of God's grace because of a ritual?
There were many Jews who had acknowledged Jesus as the Messiah, but held on to the idea that a person must keep the Old Testament Law in order to be right with God. In other words, Christ was not enough -- and an additional form of holiness was also required. In our passage today, Paul referred to these people as "false believers". Unfortunately, they had succumbed to lying and spying to see if Titus was indeed circumcised and thereby in violation of the Law. Their fervor for maintaining religious traditionalism had caused them to commit a far greater sin than the one they had accused Titus of committing.
Questions to Ponder:Over the years I have seen legalistic-minded Christians act in anger, hatred and cruelty toward others who did not share their same view. Churches have split, and lives ruined, over points of doctrine that were nothing more than traditions. Have you been holding onto traditions rather than Jesus? The difference is how we react toward others. Is it in love or rage?