Now the body is not made up of one part but of many.
Thoughts for Today:I think Paul's analogy in our passage today is simply brilliant. Take a moment to consider the intricacy and interdependence of the human body. It is composed of literally millions of individual cells which are formed into various tissues, organs and appendages. Yet all have to function harmoniously to make a single, healthy person.
In the same way, for the body of Christ to be healthy, there has to be interdependence and unity. There is room for diversity, as our bodies reflect. Yet, when the different and unique parts of the church are controlled by one head, Jesus, our combined abilities are positioned to accomplish amazing things for the glory of His Name. Much more so than we can do on our own.
Take a look at the hand. It is truly an amazing creation. It gives us the ability to feed ourselves, hold a loved one's hand, or throw a baseball. But, it can't do what the knee does. The knee gives us mobility, stability, and explosiveness. Without knees we wouldn't walk or run properly. Imagine what it would be like to have lots of hands, but no knees. Our bodies just wouldn't work right. We need both hands and knees to be effective. However, there also is no jealousy between parts of our bodies. And there shouldn't be any in the body of Christ.
Questions to Ponder:Years ago, I severed the tendon of one of my fingers. It no longer bends according to my will. The rest of my fingers grasp something when I ask them to -- except my right middle finger -- it is dysfunctional, injured, and generally in the way. It's become a hindrance in many tasks. Some people are like that in the body of Christ. They are injured and, as a result, have become dysfunctional. Does that description fit someone you know? All of us are critically important to Him. What can you do to help someone regain their function and usefulness in the body?