Two or three prophets should speak, and the others should weigh carefully what is said.
Thoughts for Today:I think this is a really important verse for all Christians to know, remember, and apply. It will keep us from doing some rather foolish things. For example, several months ago California based evangelical broadcaster, Harold Camping, told everyone who would listen that a cataclysmic event was about to happen. The world would experience the "rapture" of the church. At the appointed hour (which he alone had decoded from his studies of Scripture), all true Christians would be transported to heaven. Everyone else would be left to suffer the prolonged agony of the "tribulation" until the final destruction of the universe five months later.
The first of Camping's failed predictions dates back to 1978. But the one he made regarding May 21, 2011 created the most media attention as he went on a passionate campaign to inspire followers to drain their personal savings in order to warn everyone the end was near. When the world didn't end, he said his math was off a bit and reset the date to October 21, 2011 at 5:59 pm. A few days later, Camping's daughter Susan Espinoza, wrote to the Associated Press: "I'm sorry to disappoint you, but we at Family Radio have been directed to not talk to the media or the press."
Callers to Open Forum (the show Camping hosts), expressed outrage: "You're really pathetic, you know? I wasted all my money because of you. I was putting all my money and my hopes on you...I wish I could see you face to face, I would smack you. Mr. Camping, you always say a lot of (blank). I lost all my money because of you, you (blank)."
Could he have been right? Perhaps, but most likely not. Why? 1 Thessalonians 5:1-2: "Now, brothers and sisters, about times and dates we do not need to write to you, for you know very well that the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night." When the Lord returns it will be completely unexpected. That's what the Bible says. A lot of people have gotten themselves into all kinds of trouble because they didn't validate a prophecy with Scripture first. They didn't judge properly. In our passage today, Paul instructs us to "weigh carefully" what is being said. In other words, don't believe what someone says just because they say, "I have a word from the Lord," -- judge it first.
Questions to Ponder:Paul tells us to "weigh carefully what is said". How do we know what is truth? Because it will be confirmed, and not contradicted, by Scripture. Have you been confused by the so-called "inspired" words of a pastor, radio, or television evangelist? Be careful. Read and study your Bible. Ask your Christian brothers and sisters in Christ for their impression. Pray, talk it over with your pastor, and go slowly.