Introduction to Chapter 10
Thoughts for Today:Paul's teaching in Chapter Ten is another variation of the same subject he began in Chapter Eight. As you will recall, he has been answering questions the Corinthian Church posed regarding whether or not it was acceptable for Corinthian believers to eat meat previously sacrificed to idols. (This becomes very clear at the end of the chapter as he draws conclusions and applies them back to this same concern.) Paul had advised against eating meat sacrificed to idols as a matter of conscience, which is contrasted with whether the practice is inherently right or wrong (a Christian liberty issue). He furthered this line of reasoning by illustrating his approach to a variety of personal issues. For example, he voluntarily waived his right of marriage, and also did not take material support for his work in ministry.
In Chapter Ten, Paul offers another perspective on this same subject. He warns those who consider themselves to have superior knowledge that they too are at risk. How so? Because if they continued to associate themselves with those involved in pagan rituals, there was a great danger of being drawn back into their old lifestyle and the practice of idol worship.
Questions to Ponder:Careful is the word that best sums up Paul's instruction. Don't take your Christian liberty too far. Is there something in your life that you need to begin avoiding? Take a moment in prayer and ask God for His insight.