A woman is bound to her husband as long as he lives. But if her husband dies, she is free to marry anyone she wishes, but he must belong to the Lord. In my judgment, she is happier if she stays as she is--and I think that I too have the Spirit of God.
Thoughts for Today:Our passage today is perhaps one of the most revolutionary and controversial statements in the Bible: Marriage was not designed to make us happy. In fact, as far as Paul is concerned, we will be happier if we remain single.
Unfortunately, many people look for marriage to provide for them in ways God never intended. It is only a matter of time before these unrealistic expectations begin to produce disappointment and frustration -- often directed at their spouse. They think, "I don't have peace and joy, and it's all your fault! If you were the spouse you were supposed to be, then I would be happy."
But God didn't intend for marriage to make us happy, fulfilled, or even take away our loneliness. Those desires are only met through a relationship with Jesus Christ. Only He has the power to completely satisfy all of our physical and emotional needs. When we individually find fullness in the Lord, then we truly experience joy in our marriages. Sadly, too few people -- Christians included -- understand this concept, and therefore it is the source of many marital problems. No spouse can ever be what God is meant to be. Only He can fill the God-sized hole in each of us.
Questions to Ponder:In what area do you look for your spouse to fill in an area lacking in your life? Will you seek the Lord, rather than blame your spouse?