There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord.
Thoughts for Today:The word "service" has been translated from the Greek word "diakonia". According to Strong's Lexicon, "diaknonia" is used 34 times in the New Testament (NIV) to describe a number of different functions: preparations, help, ministry, mission, task, serving, serve, service, and work.
Based upon the number of activities this Greek word was used to describe, it is easy to see that Paul was speaking about the different ways this gift could be manifested. In other words, two people could have the same gift, yet it wouldn't be uncommon to see it demonstrated in completely different ways. In the Lord's economy, there is a lot of room for individual expression, or interpretation, of the same gift. Still, it is the same Lord who controls all of them. For this reason, all must conform to the guidelines, conditions and parameters Paul provides.
Questions to Ponder:Do you expect everyone to serve in the same way? What are some of the ways others serve in the church?