And the parts that are unpresentable are treated with special modesty, while our presentable parts need no special treatment. But God has combined the members of the body and has given greater honor to the parts that lacked it...
Thoughts for Today:Which parts of your body do you spend the most time and effort on? The parts that need the most work! When I've been out working in the yard, I get dirt caked under my nails. I have to put some real effort into making them presentable. When my wife works in the garden she always wears gloves. And she takes special care of her nails -- even getting the occasional manicure or pedicure. A fingernail or toenail may not be the most beautiful part of my body, but for my wife, she has turned a potential liability into an asset.
The same is true for the body of Christ. Who should get the extra attention, the spotlight? The less presentable parts. The point is to treat the less desirable members of the body in such a way as to minimize their faults and maximize their good qualities. Yet, all too often, Christians ignore those who are struggling spiritually. Despite the potential to turn these difficult cases into victories, all that is needed is a little extra time and attention.
Questions to Ponder:How much time have you spent working with those members of your church who need the most help? What about those who don't? Shouldn't your time be spent proportionately with the ones who need it most? Who can you help today?