Now we see but a poor reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face.
Thoughts for Today:The mirrors we know today have only been around since the 1200's. Before that time, polished metal was used to reflect an image. It's why Paul refers to "a poor reflection as in a mirror." Although mirrors today are far superior and replicate our image in vivid detail, I think Paul's analogy still works. Why? Because Paul is not talking about the physical world. His point is: Christians are able to see things through spiritual eyes, but still don't see them clearly. And we have a lot of questions.
The Apostle Paul had a revelation, of God and His nature that was one of the greatest of any man who ever lived. Yet, he compared his spiritual vision to looking at an ill-defined image reflected in a piece of metal. So too, from our limited human perspective, we just can't see the intricate details of God's wisdom and purpose. In other words, the best state of our vision is nothing compared to what God is prepared to reveal.
So when does this condition change? Paul answers: "...THEN [my emphasis] we shall see face to face." The Apostle John wrote on this same topic (1 John 3:2): "Dear friends, now we are children of God, and what we will be has not yet been made known. But we know that when Christ appears, we shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is." When Jesus comes, we will be like Him. We'll see Him face to face. And, as a result, we will see clearly at last!
Questions to Ponder:We're never going to know all the answers to our questions until we are face to face with Jesus. How we approach what we don't know has a lot to do with faith, trust and belief. Has a lack of understanding led to doubt? How resolute are you in your belief? Do you completely trust the Father?