To the weak I became weak, to win the weak.
Thoughts for Today:I think when Paul speaks of "the weak", he's talking about those who are weak in their faith. Those people who are still ruled by concerns, doubts, and even anxiety regarding how far to take their Christian liberty. So Paul didn't flaunt his freedom before the Jewish Christians, and he didn't force it upon Gentile believers. Without compromising his morals or violating principles, Paul tried to fit in with those to whom he ministered. Why? So he could win them completely to a full saving knowledge of Christ.
In our passage today, Paul tells us how: By becoming like them. Instead of condemning their weaknesses, lack of maturity, or fragile faithfulness -- he willingly subjected himself to the same limitations they placed upon themselves. Paul was confident that some might hear him while he contently lived at their level. As a result, many of those who were weak in the faith turned completely to Jesus and progressed much further in their Christian maturity.
Questions to Ponder:How far have you progressed in Christian maturity? Do you still have doubts? How can you deepen your faithfulness? Have you turned completely to Jesus? Are you reading your Bible daily? Are you putting into practice what it says? Do you have regular fellowship with other Christians?