Whether, then, it is I or they, this is what we preach, and this is what you believed.
Thoughts for Today:As believers, how do we know Christ rose? First, we have Christ in us, the "hope of glory" (1 Colossians 1:27), which would be beyond the capacity of anyone who was simply dead. Second, we have the Old Testament anticipation of the event (Psalms 2:7, Psalms 16:9-11, Isaiah 53:10-11). Third, we have the empty tomb. And fourth, the witness of the disciples and all the others who saw the risen Lord. Yet, there is something more. Think about the millions upon millions of people whose lives have been changed over the last two thousand years as a result in their belief in a resurrected Savior. Can their testimonies be ignored? I don't think so. It's just one more bit of "proof". Knowing what we believe and why we believe it is what I call "Intelligent Faith".
So how should we go about telling an unbelieving world about our faith in the truth of Jesus? The Bible teaches the resurrection of the Lord is to be stated as fact, promise, and ultimatum. (Acts 10:42: "He commanded us to preach to the people and to testify that he is the one whom God appointed as judge of the living and the dead.") Yet, many still refuse to believe. Why? I think much of resistance comes down to independence. If Jesus conquered death, then He is Himself unconquerable, and therefore must be obeyed. His resurrection "proves" His authority. It is for this reason that many refuse to accept "proof" -- even if they see it with their own eyes. (Luke 16:31: "He said to him, 'If they do not listen to Moses and the Prophets, they will not be convinced even if someone rises from the dead.'")
Questions to Ponder:Do you know what you believe? A changed life is the best evidence of a risen Lord. Has your life been visibly changed? How so?