There are different kinds of working, but the same God works all of them in all men.
Thoughts for Today:The Greek word "energema" is translated in the NIV as "working" and means: "performance... the results or effects of the working through energy." It is where we get our English word "energize". Previously, Paul told us in verse 4: "there are different gifts, but the same Spirit." Then, in verse 5: "different kinds of service, but the same Lord." And, today: "different kinds of 'performance', but the same God works all of them in all men." This can best be summarized:
1. The gifts come from the Spirit.
2. The variety of ministries are balanced and administered by the Son.
3. The work of everything is connected and energized in accordance with the Father's will.
It is the Trinity (Father, Son and Holy Spirit), who are directly in control of the gifts of the Spirit. However, we shouldn't make the mistake of thinking a gift works the same way in everyone. That thinking is wrong. The same Lord manages similar gifts in different people to get completely different results. That should not be misunderstood to mean we are free to do whatever we choose with our gifts. The use of any gift must conform to the instructions the Lord provides through His Word.
Questions to Ponder:How is your giftedness being used to glorify God? Is it different than those around you? Are you conforming the expression of your gift to the expectations of men or the Lord?