Thoughts for Today:If we were to make a top ten list of the greatest chapters of the Bible, I have no doubt that Chapter 15 would be on each of our lists. It certainly would be on mine. In fact, it has long been considered one of the most important and crucial in Scripture. Why? Because it answers the first heresy of the church: The denial of the bodily resurrection of Jesus Christ.
In Paul's day there were three philosophies regarding death, and life after death. First, there was stoicism, which taught the soul merged into god after death (a oneness resulted so individuality was lost). Second, there was Epicurean philosophy, which taught that everything was material (therefore nothing existed after death). And third, there was Platonism, which taught the immortality of the soul (but from more of a transmigration or reincarnation perspective as in the religions of India). Because of these differing philosophies, when Paul spoke of resurrection, people thought he was speaking of a "new" god.
The great wonder of the Christian faith is we never view life as ending in death. The life we experience in the present, is not all there is, and as believers we look beyond this life to eternity. It's the one great factor that gives life both meaning and purpose. Chapter 15 could be titled the "Great Resurrection" because it shows the most important part of the Gospel message is the resurrection of Christ. Without it - even the death of Jesus is meaningless.
Questions to Ponder:According to Romans 4:25, "He [Jesus] was delivered over to death for our sins and was raised to life for our justification." With His death He paid for our sins, but in His resurrection He gave us a guaranteed entrance into heaven and eternal life. Jesus said (John 14:6): "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." Do you have the assurance of your location for eternity?