As for those agitators, I wish they would go the whole way and emasculate themselves!
Thoughts for Today:The King James Version of our passage today reads: "I would they were even cut off which trouble you." Different translations have caused scholars to debate what Paul intended. Did Paul want the Judaizers to castrate themselves (the NIV translation) -- and be punished for their agitation? Or simply to be separated and removed (the KJV translation) from any influence over the Galatians?"
I personally don't think it really matters. Regardless of which translation is correct, Paul wanted the legalists removed from the presence of the Galatians so their preaching and teaching would no longer be a source of confusion for them.
The same can be said for us in our struggle with our little "pet sins". The ones we keep around or allow to keep coming around -- and never really address. In our passage today, Paul tells us how -- cut them off, toss them out, and gain separation from them completely and permanently. Just like castration or circumcision. Why? Because once it happens there is no going back. Unfortunately, sin won't separate itself from us without some effort on our part. In the case of the Galatians, they had to stop listening, paying attention, and serving the Judaizers -- and instead return to the Gospel of grace.
Questions to Ponder:Is there an activity in your life that you just need to end? Is a friend or associate regularly leading you back into a behavior, influence or teaching it is best for you to avoid? Will you remove yourself from the situation or person today?