The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds.
Thoughts for Today:Satan had a plan and it involved using men to nail God's Son to a cross, but it didn't quite work out like he envisioned. Previously, the stranglehold Satan had on humanity was his ability to influence them toward sin, and by doing so, turn their lives over to him. However, because of Jesus' sacrifice, Satan no longer has the same level of control over humanity. Christ's death is the price paid for all of our sin: past, present and future. As a result, Satan's stronghold has been permanently destroyed by the blood of Jesus. The war has been won, and those of us who claim the victory in Christ, are the victors.
Jesus said from the Cross of Calvary (John 19:30): "It is finished." So although the spiritual war continues to this day (internally and externally), our fight should no longer be to obtain the victory, but from a position as conquerors. (Romans 8:37-39: "No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us.")
In our passage today, Paul reminds us that we have "divine power to demolish strongholds." We are to pull down, remove, eradicate, destroy and otherwise take control of any strongholds the enemy attempts to erect in our hearts and minds. However, these battles are not to be undertaken with the hope of victory, but as an ongoing demonstration of the power and authority of Jesus in our lives.
Questions to Ponder:Are you continuing to battle sin with the hope of victory? The Bible tells us that the victory had been won, the price paid, and we are sealed and redeemed. Are you living a life from a position of victory or still engaged in a life or death battle? Will you claim the victory Christ has already won?