"For I through the law am dead to the law, that I might live unto God," (Galatians 2:19 KJV).
Why attempt to climb, or beat against an impossible wall that God has taken away in order to get into heaven? It doesn't make sense does it? Yet, that is what the unbelieving heart will naturally attempt to do unless it believes the gospel.
What is the impossible wall? "The handwriting of ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us," (Colossians 2:13-14 KJV). It is a wall of condemnation, because as sinners, we fail to obey God's perfect laws and ordinances. It is a wall that separates us from God. So how did God remove it? By nailing it to the cross of Christ.
Does this mean Christians live lawlessly? Not at all! We who believe the gospel have the law of God written in our hearts, and the principles of faith and love to put it into practice. We have died to sin in Christ and are risen to new life in Christ. The wall that stood between us and God is removed. We are justified by Christ's blood. God transforms us by grace through faith in Christ, (Ephesians 2:8-9).
So why attempt to climb or beat against an impossible wall? Two reasons. We find it impossible to believe we can be saved unless we do, or we don't recognize the obstacle we face, believing we are good enough to walk right through it on our own merit.
God, help us discern the truth about where we stand in regards to salvation. Help us to recognize our fallen schemes. We would be strong in faith, and trust in your merit and not in our own.
Toni is the author of The Stone Writer. Find more of her work HERE.